when you talk, you are only repeating what you already know.
but if you listen, you may learn something new.
-dalai lama
“and like the moon,
we must go through
phases of emptiness
to feel full again.”
“may you attract someone
who speaks your language
so you don’t have to spend a lifetime
translating your soul.”
“let’s be clear, a lot of women don’t have “trust issues”.
we have “i’ve seen this pattern of behavior before,
and i’ll be damned if i go through the same shit again” issues.”
”be happy. even if the only thing that makes you happy is your morning coffee.
live for that morning coffee intake. make it marvelous. get excited about it.
buy mugs. buy a coffee maker. buy a massive stock of coffee so you can have endless variety.
maybe learn how to make it real good, open up a coffee business.
let that small happiness, whatever it is,
become your passion. it’s what will keep you alive.”
don’t be a victim of your own mind.
if you don’t heal what hurt you,
you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you.
our dreams are not imaginary.
they are the first manifestation of what we truly want.
let them guide you toward happiness and peace.
i am a member of the
“learn about someone’s past not to punish them,
but to understand how they need to be loved“
spiritual tribe.
our souls are so in love
but our humans keep getting in the way.
-zack grey
my dad always asks me this:
”if you act the same way they did,
then what is the difference between you & them?”
“and not everyone is meant to understand the purity of your soul”