Why does it come in so many variations.? Why is it so confusing.? Can we just make it a better experience please?
All of those cliches about it being a beautiful storm have me nauseous because they’re so true. Why do I experience so much love but so little at the same time? I’m so picky and don’t find what I desire often. I’ve had my “togetherships” but nothing of substance. So, here i am one more time, annoyingly in love (question mark)? I sound like a broken record every time that I say “this ones different”. BUT, am i wrong??? What love is ever the same? Even if you have a type, each person is still going to bring you a slightly different experience.
But how do you know when the “this ones different” is actually different and actually the one and actually worth taking the major risks for?? Or is that the risk you just take and hope that the best comes out of it??????